

The Power Of Feature Walls

Feature walls can be very powerful. A surface you can use to accentuate and “embellish” a room. A great blank “canvas”, where you can express yourself and visually create a manifest of your style and simultaneously an extension of yourself. A great way to turn your place into a visual sanctuary, a place you can resort to and feel at home.

There are so many directions to take while planning a feature wall, such as placing a frame collage, a mural, wallpaper, oversized artwork or you can just simply write on the wall. The options are literally endless and that’s certainly the beauty of it.

The Essence Of A Feature Wall

I personally think it’s all about creating a visual moment. You are basically creating a life-sized vignette consisting of art pieces, furniture, and accessories. Important is that all pieces should complement each other and create visual interest, through a variety and preferably contrasting textures, shapes, and colors. Furthermore, you want to make sure the scale of each piece works in this collective.

Trial and Error Will Be Your Best Friend!

Along the process, you will realize that trial and error will become your best friend. By adding and/or removing items you can analyze and work your way towards your final look and intuitively approach your internal vision of your feature wall.

And let me tell you, it is ok to first think that one item is the perfect fit, but then when actually trying it out, you realize that it doesn’t work at all. take it as a lesson, because that way you know, what certainly doesn’t work and know, what to avoid in the next piece.



Image 1 :: Seen on Interiorzine.com

Image 2 :: Seen on Trendenser.se

Image 3 :: Seen on Unknown

Image 4 :: Seen on Tredenser.de

Image 5 :: Seen on Homeadore.com

Image 6 :: Seen on Tamizo.com

Image 7 :: Seen on Sulia.com

Image 8 :: Seen on Thedesignchaser.com

Image 9 :: Seen on Thelifecreativeblog.com

Image 10 :: Seen on Popsugar.com

Image 11 :: Seen on DecorationArch.com

Image 12 :: Seen on Thedecorista.com

Image 13 :: Seen on Seen on Domainehome.com

Image 14 :: Seen on Myscandinavianhome.com



Let’s be honest, it’s really not that easy to source motifs for a gallery wall. Clients frequently ask me how to mix different medias and I often find myself sharing the same approach: The more diverse the collection the more dynamic and enriched the gallery wall becomes. The trick is to arrange and re-arrange the art pieces until it visually complements and makes sense. With that said: Lay them out and make sure neighboring pieces have at least one thing in common: Whether it is the color or pattern that these have in common, it really doesn’t matter.


When you think of racks, it usually wouldn’t spark any inspiring images in your mind. But you may think differently once you see some of the unconventional direction these objects have taken. It doesn’t matter whether suspended or free-standing, both types seem to join this new wave of interior tendency. A cool new trend that is taking the design connaissances’ heart by storm! Ask Pinterest! (Wink)


Welcome to my web 2.0 experience – Maison Lalopa. Here, I’m going to blog about Interior Design and Lifestyle and everything in-between. I’ve been focusing on building up my Pinterest presence in the past 3 or so years and now that I’ve reached great heights with that, I thought I should branch out and work on my own website. Why not?!


Why “Maison Lalopa”? Well, in a way, it reflects the eclecticism that represents me. I chose the word “Maison” because it means “Home” in French and call me crazy, but I love the way this word sounds. Back in college some of my design peers and music colleagues called me “Lalopa,”which stemmed from my private email I had at the time and essentially it is inspired by my maiden name, “Lopes.”