


Accessories are really, what makes the room come to completion. It’s the cherry on the icing ( perhaps the icing on my all time favorite carrot cake! Recipe soon to be shared ;-)).

The more, the merrier. I personally love collecting them piece by piece, rather than going to Home Goods and just filling up carts, due to lack of patience for the process. In this case I think it’s totally worth waiting for the right piece vs. just buying things that are good enough or available now. Pinterest is packed with ideas, and I have noticed some statement pieces that could definitely serve as conversation starters that definitely would have an impact in any space.

Neon Light Signage

I love playing with the unexpected. This probably transcends from my personality: in between my ever so resting bitch face, you’ll find me rolling on the floor, because of a spontaneous laugh flash (yup that’s me! I get to 100 real quick!).

Unsurprisingly, I find my eyes drawn to neon light signage lately. Yes, it is a light, but this function becomes almost secondary. The light and the font collectively could be layered as an additional and unusual texture. Further, it’s a great way of bringing in some color since these lights can be made in different nuances. Besides that, it’s a fun opportunity to include typo into a decor scheme for all the font and quote lovers.